There's a subreddit out there called Bulk or Cut. Basically if you're asking yourself this, if you're posting in that sub, you should definitely bulk. I'm hesitant to say that because it's actually not really a matter of bulking or cutting, but just overall muscular development and maturity.
The majority of these guys that are asking themselves this question, are younger and extremely under developed.
They haven't put a lot of effort into training and nutrition so what they see in the mirror is kind of a "skinny fat". So it's difficult for them to process because they're looking at their skinny arms and think they should bulk, but then they see the lack of abdominals, and think they should cut.
Have you guys heard of a recomp?
Some people think this is a myth but I assure you it's not. Instead of bulking or cutting, these guys just need to commit to solid eating and training. What will happen, as their body makes their real beginner muscle gains, the body will also burn fat because having more muscle burns fat.
These guys don't really need to stress over calories and macros. At the very least, just keep a basic food log and lean towards more protein. And that's a trend in this subreddit, the guys are stressed and paranoid over the science and getting lost down rabbit holes of macro percentages and body fat percentages and little details that honestly just don't matter at this stage of the game.
All you guys have to do is just follow a real simple training program and eat eat eat and eat. Complex carbs, lean proteins, get your fruit and veggies and healthy fats. Don't be afraid to eat some pizza or burgers either, and of course, cake.
Good luck.